Family: With Poultry

Family: With Poultry

JosiDog Family is a special breeding food for pregnant bitches and their puppies. The food has a small size that is perfect for puppies' teeth. It is gluten-free and rich in nutrients, promoting balanced digestion and healthy development.
Composición: proteínas de ave deshidratadas; maíz integral; grasas de procedencia avícola; fibra de remolacha; proteína de malta; proteína de ave hidrolizada; minerales; raíz de achicoria redonda (fuente natural de proteínas); minerales; raíz de achicoria redonda; proteína desecada del mejillón de labios grises de Nueva Zelanda

Alimento Completo

Sin Gluten

Piel y Pelo

Higiene Bucal

Crecimiento Óptimo


para perros jóvenes

37-50011950 115 kg

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