SensiJunior Dog Sample

SensiJunior Dog Sample

JOSERA SensiJunior promotes optimal development of your puppy. The balanced calcium-phosphorus ratio, vitamin C, manganese and copper support the complete bone structure. The easily digestible dog food is particularly suitable for dogs with a sensitive digestive system.
  • The fiber complex regulates digestion
  • Suitable for rearing (from 6th week of life) to adulthood
  • For medium to large sporting breeds
  • Brain development and training capacity are supported by valuable fatty acids
  • L-carnitine, high-quality protein, and taurine also support heart function
Proteína: 30% Contenido Grasa: 17%
Fibra Cruda: 2,3% Ceniza Bruta: 6%
Humedad: Calcio: 1,2%
Fósforo: 0,99% Carbohidrátos:
Sodio: Magnesio:
Composición: arroz; proteína de ave deshidratada; grasa de ave; 9,0% de proteína de pato deshidratada; proteína de patata; 4,0 % de proteína de salmón deshidratada; proteína de ave hidrolizada; fibra de remolacha; fibra de planta; harina de algarroba; minerales; Levadura; raíz de achicoria molida (fuente natural de inulina); cáscaras de psyllium (psilio); proteína seca de Nueva Zelanda Mejillón de labios verdes (Perna canaliculus)
Aditivos nutricionales por kg: Vitamina A I.E./kg 24.000, Vitamina D3 I.E./kg 1.800, Vitamina E mg/kg 220, Vitamina C (como monofosfato de ascorbilo, sal de calcio y sodio) mg/kg 200, Vitamina B1 mg/kg 15, Vitamina B2 mg/kg 20, Vitamina B6 mg/kg 20, Vitam
3.950 kcal/kg
37-50008338 190 g

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