Sample Dog Duck&Potato

Sample Dog Duck&Potato

For Josera Ente & Kartoffel we have deliberately refrained from adding artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Essential fatty acids, vitamins, zinc and copper in Josera Ente & Kartoffel offer your animal the best conditions for a shiny coat and healthy skin. By processing selected ingredients, Josera Ente & Kartoffel grain-free dog food guarantees a particularly high digestibility.
  • With 25% dried duck meat (equivalent to approx. 85 g fresh meat per 100 g dry food)
  • With biotin and valuable fatty acids for a beautiful coat
  • Due to the coordinated recipes ideal as a Josera YoungStar follow-up food
  • Recipe without grains
Proteína: 24% Contenido Grasa: 14%
Fibra Cruda: 2,1% Ceniza Bruta: 7,9%
Humedad:   Calcio: 1,35%
Fósforo: 0,9% Carbohidrátos:  
Sodio:   Magnesio:  
Composición: 43,0% patata deshidratada; 25,0% proteína de pato seca; grasa de ave; fibra de remolacha; proteína de patata; harina de algarroba; hidrolizado proteína de aves de corral; Levadura; proteína vegetal hidrolizada; minerales; raíz de achicoria molida (fuente natural de inulina)

Alimento Completo

Sin Cereales

Sin Gluten

Piel y Pelo


para perros de cualquier edad

Aditivos nutricionales por kg: Vitamina A I.E./kg 20.000, Vitamina D3 I.E./kg 1.500, Vitamina E mg/kg 190, Vitamina B1 mg/kg 10, Vitamina B2 mg/kg 15, Vitamina B6 mg/kg 15, Vitamina B12 mcg/kg 90
3.735 kcal/kg
37-50008325 190 g

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